
MiniFob Blog

Do Key Fobs Use RFID or NFC Technology?

Some customers often wonder what technology their apartment key fobs use. Are they RFID or NFC? In today’s blog post, we’ll answer this popular question and help you better understand the differences between these two technologies. While a key fob can technically use...

Save Money: Is It Cheaper To Rekey Or Replace Locks?

Many people wonder, "Is it cheaper to rekey or replace locks?" when considering their home security needs. In today’s blog post, we’ll help you understand the differences between rekeying and replacing locks so you can make a better-informed decision. In most cases,...

Can You Send a Key Fob in the Mail?

Some customers often wonder if it's safe or permissible to send a key fob in the mail. This question is especially common among property owners who need to provide access to their buildings or units, or among families wanting to share car or apartment key fobs across...

Is Copying Keys Illegal in Canada?

A common question we hear from customers is, “Is copying keys illegal?” Whether it’s for a spare, a roommate, or a pet sitter, people want to know if they can duplicate their keys freely or if there are legal restrictions. While we’ve previously explored “Is copying...

Tips To Share a Key: High Security Keys Edition

If you’ve ever needed to share a high-security key with a roommate, pet sitter, or friend, you know it can be a challenge. Keys like Medeco, CX5 or other high-security keys are designed to prevent unauthorized duplication, making it harder (and sometimes highly...

Our 5-Star services

Why MiniFob?

85+ Models Supported

HID, AWID, Indala, IoProx, KeyScan.

Free Backup Code

Always make extra fob copies.

Back of Remotes

To access your building the same way.

High Frequency Fobs

Compatible, or get remote copying services at FobToronto.


100% Accuracy

We decode every digit for perfect functionality.

Lifetime Warranty

Any issues with your fob? Contact us and we'll make it right.

Next Steps?

Curious about fob copying?

Frequently Asked Questions


How Does RFID Work?

Any questions about how RFID works as well please let us know, we’ll be happy to answer anything you’d like, or visit our blog article to learn more.


Will it Work?

Yes, lifetime warranty covers it except code changes by management or physical damage shown on the fob. If we messed up however, we'll replace / refund right away. 

How Much Do You Charge?

$30 for any traditional, standard fob. Other ones like iClass, MiFare, or Remote copying, will be more upon inquiry, since it requires upgraded hardware, and expertise.

Are You a Key cutting business?

Expand Your Business by Copying Key Fobs.

Partner with us and we'll work together to expand your offering with all the above fob models to your current customers and beyond. 

80+ Key Fob Models Supported

24/7 Support to Ensure Afterservice Needs Met

8+ Years Experience in Fob Duplication

Bonus Offering initially upon partnership

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