
Condo Building Deactivating a Fob: It’s a situation some of our customers have experienced, and it can be both frustrating and confusing. While we cannot provide legal advice, we want to share some common scenarios and offer guidance on what steps to take if your condo building has deactivated your fob.

Real Stories from Our Customers

We’ve had customers come to us with similar stories about their condo buildings deactivating their fobs without prior notice. For example, one customer moved out of their condo unit, which was on short sale, while still paying the condo fees. They discovered during a home inspection that a renovation company had made modifications that didn’t comply with condo rules. Management was notified, and the customer began working to rectify the issue. However, when they returned to the unit, they found their key fob had been deactivated without explanation. Despite asking the front desk for clarification, no clear answer was provided.

In such cases, it’s important to understand that a condo association generally cannot deny access to your unit without notice, even if there are rule violations. If you find yourself in a similar situation, consider formally requesting that your fob be reactivated or that a new fob be issued. It’s advisable to document these communications with the condo board or management to ensure your access rights are respected.

Another scenario involves a tenant living in a rent-controlled apartment who found themselves locked out after their key fob was deactivated, again without any prior notice. In such situations, the deactivation could potentially be considered an illegal lockout. Tenants in this position might need to file an application with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to address the illegal lockout and regain access to their unit. The LTB can provide an urgent hearing to resolve such disputes quickly.

We encourage anyone facing these issues with their condo building deactivating their fob to share their stories with us, as these experiences can provide valuable insights for others in similar situations.

When Can a Condo Building Deactivate Your Fob?

Can your condo building deactivate your fob? Yes, there are circumstances under which a condo building can deactivate a fob. Fobs may be deactivated if they are reported lost, misused, or are believed to be in the hands of an unauthorized individual. Additionally, time or individual restrictions on access to specific areas of the building, such as a gym or pool, can be managed through a fob system. Buildings may also enforce a limit on the number of fobs issued per unit. If there is an extra fob beyond what is permitted, the building management might deactivate it to comply with their security protocols. 

When Can You Deactivate Your Own Fob?

If you’re interested in learning more about how to deactivate your key fob upon request, check out our previous article, “Key Fobs Can Be Deactivated: When and How to Disable Your Apartment Access.

Our Services and Important Information

Here at FobToronto and MiniFob, we specialize in copying apartment key fobs, regular keys, and garage door openers. However, it’s important to note that if your original fob gets deactivated by your condo building for any reason, any copies made by us will stop working too. Unfortunately, we can’t reactivate a deactivated fob, so your best bet is to speak directly with your building management to sort things out.

If you find your Condo Building Deactivating your Fob, it’s essential to know your rights and the appropriate steps to take. Deactivation can occur for various reasons, but access to your unit should not be denied without proper notice. Communicating with your building management or seeking legal assistance may be necessary. For any key fob copying needs or further questions, FobToronto and MiniFob are here to assist you.